Yesterday Ethan had his dressings changed, with burns of this extent it is hard to tell how deep they really are until they are a couple of days to a week old. The doctors informed us that Ethan's head will need skin grafting since it sustained 2nd and 3rd degree burns. His arms have burn patches that seem to be healing very well. One of his arms was a little worse than the other (if I remember right) which will require some grafting as well. His right foot shouldn't need grafting and is also healing good. The small patches on his chest are mere red marks now and the patch on his back is healing very quickly. A couple of days ago it made Britt and I literally sick with the thought of him having any skin grafts. It's been remarkable how accepting and ok we are now with the realization that grafting will be a major part of his healing and recovery. The doctors anticipate that Ethan will be here for at least another 4 weeks as the skin grafting is scheduled in a week from now. Deep down I think Britt and I are still hoping for some sort of miracle where he wont need grafting but realistically we have come to accept it for what it is. Ethan has been such a trooper and is more of a fighter than ever thought. He has such a great personality that whatever the outcome we know that he will take it in stride and not let it be a hinderance to anything he does.
Thanks again to all who have sent cards, gifts, brought food, offered their sympathy and prayers in his behalf. I hope that somehow we will be able to do the same in return for all of you.
Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you...