Sunday's are the best!
It's true.
There's just something so peaceful about them.
I love spending the whole day with Tim and the kids, going to church, and just relaxing.
Today I came home from church and watched a video clip that sends a great message and gives a wonderful reminder of what's most important in life. To watch the video click here:
Personally I am one of those people that has a hard time finding appreciation when my kids make a big mess, or do something they know better than, so I love a having little reminders all around me. They really are good kids and there are so many more important things in life, they are only little for so long!

I love that almost every morning I find him sitting in a chair or something looking out the window, waiting for the girls to come home from school.

It's kinda hard to tell in this picture but we finally shaved the hair on the back of his head. He looks so much better! I know it sounds silly but I had a really hard time parting with that hair. Tim was starting to get frustrated with me for not shaving it but I finally caved. Good-bye Hair!!

My baby is 6 years old! I can't believe how grown up she is. Time sure does fly by.

Best Buddies!

I absolutely adore these little munchkins!

Ethan is the ladies man of the house and he soaks up every minute of attention from his big sisters.

The creative butterfly cake made completely by her favorite dad in the whole world!

Happy Father's Day! I am especially gratetful for my sweet dad, wonderful husband and great father-in-law! I am so lucky to have these loving men in my life!

They are such good buddies these two!


I absolutely love his cute and very contagious smile!!