On Sunday, Darryl and Stacy Seguin (Brittany's family), came for a quick visit. Their boys had played in a basketball tournament up in Leduc on the weekend and were passing through town on their way home. Visits from family have come at good times and we have enjoyed each of their company.
My parents (who had come up for the weekend) went home on Sunday afternoon. As I was walking out with them we were talking about all the little miracles that have happened over the past week. We talked about how the prayers of so many people have helped us cope with the situation at hand. I mentioned to my parents that although a date had been set for Ethan's skin grafts (Thurs. March 3), and that even though we have accepted the fact that he'll need them, I still had a little hope and faith deep down inside that the grafting would not have to be as extensive as originally thought. Well, today Ethan went in for his dressing change about 1pm. For some reason I felt a little more worried today than other days but once the doctors showed up my worries left. I think my uneasiness might have had something to do with the fact that this was his last dressing change before the skin grafts and we'd find out the extent of how much grafting will be needed. Ethan came back about an hour and half later looking pretty good. He snuggled me for about 2 hrs on the chair which was nice. Dr. Harrop, Ethan's plastic surgeon, came and visited with us about 3pm and mentioned that they are going to proceed with the skin grafts on Ethan's arms on Thursday. He also mentioned that it looked like the top of his right foot was going to need a little grafting as well. Dr. Harrop then said that they were going to hold off grafting any skin on his head for another week because the 3rd degree burn areas were starting to show signs of re-growth. I guess there are little areas of redness (which is a sign of vascularity or blood flow) and budding. The budding is a sign of hair growth which means that the skin can also grow. Britt and I were so excited for the great news!! In our minds this is a big miracle. We attribute this to all the prayers that have been given in behalf of Ethan.
Over the past week we have had offers from many people who have wanted to help out in some way. If there is one specific thing that we could ever ask for, we ask that all of you who are praying for Ethan will continue to remember him in your prayers and specifically ask our Heavenly Father that the burns on Ethan's head will continue to heal properly.