Today we saw a pretty good glimse of Ethan's true personality: an active little boy who loves to work for all the attention he can get. This included interacting with the nurses, friends, and family. Ethan was sure to grab the attention of everyone who came into his room today.

Today Ethan is returning to his old self as a typical little boy, active!! This usually happens a couple of days after his dressing changes (usually the day before he goes into surgery)

Ethan has loved having his sister up for the weekend. We don't know what he's going to do when they leave... Even Dr. Harrop (plastic surgeon) mentioned that when he saw the two girls up for the weekend he thought that it might be a little too much for Ethan but when he came in today and saw his progress and how much his little spirits were lifted since his siters arrived, he said he was amazed!

Ethan was super happy today and all he wanted was to get out of his crib. We were able to borrow a floor mat from a play room down hall that allowed Ethan to finally get out of his bed to play. I think we are going to have a hard time getting him back in his bed tonight.

Even though he just had a skin graft on his right foot, Ethan kept pushing for us to aid him in standing up for the first time in two weeks. Once he gets an idea in his mind he wont let go until he finds a way to get what he wants... this time it was standing on the floor.

Some good friends (Nathan and Gen Smith) of ours from our Cardston days came and payed us a visit today. Nathan stayed out in their van with their two boys as one of them had a bit of a cold.

Gen and her daughter Taylor brought Ethan a little gift that he is really enjoying playing with. I guess we can give Nathan, Davin, and Brennan some credit too since they made the long trip up. Thanks guys! It was really nice to see the Smith's again.
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