Watching the fish on our Sunday afternoon walk. The kids love that it is starting to get warmer out so we can spend more time outside.

We recently got rid of our old table that was falling apart, however it sat in our living room for a week before we took it apart and threw it out...it drove me crazy! The kids loved it and made lots of forts with it and stashed all of their toys under it!

Ava is such a big helper lately and Ethan likes to sit still for her so I can't complain. She is very gentle with him and is quick to remind him that if he moves he is going to sit in a time out.

I think their favorite part of the day is reading books before bedtime. I love sneaking downstairs and finding them lost deep in thought as they read their books!

I came down stairs last week to find them doing their hair and wearing their swimming goggles. When I asked them what they were doing they replied, "we are searching for ghosts, shh be quiet!"

Looking out for scary ghosts!

Ava ran up to Ethan and tried to scare him but instead he thought it was pretty funny!

Routine bedtime cleaning.

New 'intermediate' compression sleeves.

The scarring on his left arm is quite heavy in some areas.

Due to the heavy scarring, we now have to put on these new gels which have a silicone backing. They are to help soften the scarring so that the skin will stretch and smooth out some of the scars.

The new gels are to be worn 3 hours on and 2 hours off throughout the day and then on all night long. It definitely keeps me busy. So much for things slowing down!

The new compression wear is very tight and difficult to get on. Ethan hates to put them on along with the new gels and fights it everytime. Its gets very frustrating when I am home alone during the day and have to try to put them on on my own. Even when I am pulling as hard as I can I can barely get his hand through. I don't know how I am going to put on the new compression bands we get in a couple of weeks...they are supposed to be even tighter.

Last week I went to the school for my Mother's Day Tea Party! Hallie and her class served us, entertained us and gave us presents!! It was so fun and nice to be served and I can't believe we are almost done kindergarden...only 6 more weeks!

Playing at the park...I love the warmer weather.

He is such a good helper and loves to vacuum for me. He even does a pretty good job!
Love the pictures of your little cutties! I just want to give all of them a kiss and a squeeze! Love you all!