It has been nice to be home and have our family complete. On Friday morning Tim and I drove to Calgary for Ethan's first out-patient appointment. Ethan did well and sat patiently as we debrided (scrubbed off any scabs and loose skin) his head and arms. His arms and legs are healing well and so is the top portion of his head. The back part of his head (which was not grafted) is still draining and will take some time to catch up to the other grafted areas. On Friday night we gave Ethan his first official bath in 5 weeks. He enjoyed just sitting in the water and particularly didn't like getting his head rinsed. We have noticed the last few weeks if something spills close to Ethan, it scares him pretty badly. When we rinsed his head he got really upset and it took awhile to calm him down. We ended up taking a few pictures of his grafts during the bath for the first time and are trying to decide whether to post them or not. They may be slightly graphic in nature to some people so let us know what you think. All in all its been a great couple of days being home together again.

Amber was another one of our favorites. She was great to have around and provided us with some good laughs!

The last couple weeks we were in the hospital Ethan enjoyed spending time with the nurses. He was particularly fond of Amber this day.

Ester who was on the maintenance crew, cleaned our room almost everyday we were there. Ethan enjoyed her visits and singing.

Jackie, another great nurse, had to take care of Ethan those first few nights that were pretty rough. She was great and won Ethan's approval in the end as one of his favorites. Jackie coined the phrase "stink-eye" which referred to the look Ethan would give the nurses when he didn't want them around!

A small portion of our wonderful nurses during our stay in unit 3. Left to Right- Lindsey, was fun to have around and was very easygoing. Mary, in the red coat, had Ethan most nights and was an angel. She knew exactly what to do and did her best to let us rest. Dr. Rob Harrop, in the back middle, was Ethan's Plastic Surgeon and was amazing. We couldn't have asked for a better doctor. Claire, crouched down in front, was with us in the evenings when Ethan was on isolation. Kelsey, behind Ethan, was the first person to get a smile out of him. Jackie, holding Ethan, was great as mentioned above. Next to Jackie in the black was one of the nurses who helped re-bandage Ethan's foot and legs. Unfortunately I cannot remember her name, but she was still great! Last is Anna! Anna was with us through the intense first week and helped out a lot. Although this is just a handful of our nurses, we grew to love and appreciate each of them as they showed compassion and love to our sweet boy!

Kaylee was our nurse on the last day when we were being discharged. She was wonderful to have around and I was disappointed I didn't get to see more of her.

Home at last! Ethan is finally wearing clothes again! I was starting to think he would never get out of those cute little hospital pajamas.

Ethan trying to snuggle the girls. Hallie told me to go get the camera to take a picture and put it on the blog. By the time I came back they couldn't stop giggling and so they pretended they were asleep. Hallie had to hide her face because she just couldn't stop smiling.

An amazing friend of mine, Megan, brought over 'dinner and a movie' on Thursday evening. We have a tradition as a family to do movie night on Friday night so it came in perfect timing. It was so nice to get back to doing some normal things and as you can see we were all glued to the T.V.