Great News!
I apologize if this is scattered but I have Ethan with me and he isn't going to sit much longer. We had the dressing changes on wednesday (yesterday) and everything looked great. I was able to stay in the Induction Room and watch everything. I have gotten used to seeing him in all of his head dressings and so when they took everything off, his head looked so tiny. All the grafts took, and are healing "remarkably fast" according to Dr. Harrop. The donor sight on the back of his head has already healed, along with his right leg donor sight. The left leg should be all healed by next week and the arms the following week. His head also looked great and will be another week after the arms. Also the piece on the crown of his head that they didn't graft is starting to heal and should be ok on its own. Dr. Harrop then gave us more good news and said if the next dressing change goes well and we can get to the point where we can do them without anesthetic, Ethan can go home next weekend! He will still have dressings on for another 3 weeks probably and would have to come up every couple of days to get them changed....but going home is within our reach. Ethan recovered very quickly this time in the OR and had his appetite back very quickly. He was taken off of all of the pain medications yesturday and still did great after the dressing change. He is much more alert and active now and is walking everywhere. At first he was a little weak but by today he was practically walking unassisted, his socks are just a little slippery. Now that he is off all pain medications and is doing better they unhooked all of his lines, the IV and everything and he is a free man, no cords stopping him. He still has his NG Tube but they hope to get that out in a few days as well. Overall he is recovering very well and we are seeing so many little miricles happening everyday due to all the prayers on his behalf. I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned from this experience, it has been very humbling and has taught me much patience, among so many other things. I have gotten comfortable around here and as odd as this sounds, it feels like home! I am gaining so many wonderful friendships with the nursing staff and all the other doctors, and its a little depressing to think I have to say goodbye soon. They practically live in our room and feel like family! I also worry about the stress of being home and the constant stares and questions. Here everyone accepts him as they see him and I don't get asked a thousand questions. I have now had almost four weeks to think about this whole situation and sort out my feelings. I am content with Ethan not having hair on most of his head, and I'm ok with his grafts on his body. That is who he is now and will always be a part of him. I know he will have many struggles along the way but I also have complete confidence that he will make it through each and every trial that comes his way. I know that Tim and I will be judged as well by those around us and I have come to realize that what they think just doesn't matter. I also have realized to not take offence to every person that stares at Ethan as we pass....they are mostly curious and I would be too! I know that I would not be emotionaly or spiritually where I am today without the help of the Lord....he has given me the strength I need each day to get through this and become a stronger person all together. I constantly find myself asking him for strength, faith and courage to get through this, and I know I will. My parents have been so amazing with our girls and its so nice to never worry about them as I know they are in great hands. We have also witnessed miricles with Tim and his schooling. He has missed several days and went back to school only to have one day to study for his two midterms. He just got the results back from one exam and he got 87% which is great considering our circumstances. I am so proud of him and all the hard work he has put into school and helping me out with Ethan and the girls. I am the luckiest girl around to have such a wonderful husband and family. Now I get to look forward to tomorrow and seeing my two beautiful girls whom I have missed so much. Ethan might get a day pass to leave the hospital as well so I can't wait!

Ethan went from michelin man to smurf! Hopefully the blue color will give people a hint that he is a boy
We have been following your blog and have appreciated you sharing with us. You truly have witnessed miracles, what a blessing the gospel is in our lives. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. Your little Ethan is such a sweetheart. Tears have been shed and smiles given as we have watched his journey and pray that you may continue on with strength and courage knowing there are so many people that love you and are praying for you! Love Gibb & Wendy Schaffer
ReplyDeleteWhat great news! It will be so great to have you all back in Lethbridge again, all together! Your MMH family has been praying for you, and keeping you close in our thoughts!
ReplyDeleteYay for good news! We're praying you can go home as soon as possible!
ReplyDeleteWhat great news Britt!!! So excited for all of you! We are all so proud of you and how you have handled all of this.....looking forward to seeing all of you soon.
ReplyDeleteLove to you all
You have such and amazing outlook through all of this. I'm glad that you got such great news and we're all excited to have you back! Have a fun time with your girls!
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog too...and I am SO glad that he his healing so quickly, he has been in our thoughts and prayers. He is such a cute little guy! I love all the pictures you post, it looks like a great hospital. If there is ever anything you need help with, let me know!
I'm so glad to hear you have such a positive outlook. It is great to hear Ethan is healing quickly, your girls will be so happy to have you two home again. Thanks for all the updates and pictures, I love following along and think about your family everyday.